
North of Malone on FM308 Posted by Picasa
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Gas line passing very close to this country church. Posted by Picasa
42" Pipeline heading northwest from just north of Malone, Texas. Posted by Picasa
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Welding tents on the move Posted by Picasa
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Slowed but not stopped by the rain. Posted by Picasa
Crane holding their end. Posted by Picasa
Pipeline on the move. Posted by Picasa


Hill County Texas Posted by Picasa


Clearing a new fence line.

Property owners sometimes mistakenly assume that an existing fence is the same as the property line. They are shocked to discover that the fence in question may be many feet in error when a survey is performed.
Unless the subject deed specifically refers to following a fence (which is rare) a competent land surveyor will consider the fence to be low in the evidence chain in comparison to other more favorable evidence called for in the deed. If the subject deed contains such language as "thence with a fence", "along a fence" or "following a fence" then it is a safe bet that the fence is the property line if the fence in question is the original fence called for in the conveyance. Otherwise, the surveyor must follow the explicit instructions contained in the deed while ignoring the fence, unless the fence is the only remaining evidence of the boundary. Posted by Picasa
The turkeys were out and about, I was hoping one would come over for Christmas. Posted by Picasa
Coming up on the other side. Posted by Picasa
Down Posted by Picasa
DOWN Posted by Picasa
Going down Posted by Picasa
Over the edge Posted by Picasa